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Thursday, August 2, 2007

What I learned today

Its Thursday again and its time for my bible study. I learned a lot on our studies. We talked about our spiritual life and how important it is. I know there's a lot of people out there are not spiritually happy, some dont have enough knowledge about who God is and what is God purpose here on earth. While im reading the bible about the beginning of his creation about Adam and Eve, that Jehovah God gave them free will, the freedom of choice about what's good and bad. And about what happen when they disobey 1 God's laws about not eating the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. Now i know, that is the reason why all of us are sinners. Coz they are the one who started it. The enheritance they passed on to their offspring was "Sin". But we still have hope because of the ransom sacrifice that Jesus did to us, and its time to make a change!

John 8:31,32 --> Jesus said: "If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free".


Deb said...

The problem is, that so many people hold different truths due to different interpretations of “The Word”---the bible. Trying to understand God is like fish trying to comprehend algebra. We can’t grasp the meaning of it all, however, the simple or – challenging laws of God, the Ten Commandments, the seven deadly sins, and other things that are bad for our ‘flesh’ is what makes our struggles closer to Christ. We can share the struggles and learn from it…draw near to God and let God take control of our entire being. We have to let go and let God do it though. For some, as well as for myself, that can be a difficult thing to do.

Excellent and thought provoking post! Thank you!

Femikey said...

thank you deb for sharing your thoughts here on my topic, yah your right, people learned their mistakes through the consequences that they face on their lives, but they have free will to choose what is right and wrong, they just need to make it sure that they have right decision. Why there still a lot of people involve in crimens, war and hatred to their brother's and sisters, do they forgot the 2nd commandment that God given to us? "love your brothers and sisters as the way we love Jehovah our God".