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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Exploring time at Bonanza

Bonanza is just a cute little town. It was a pretty drive though. We got a chance to explore the town, the cemetery and look at their houses for sale up there. We took some photos in that old ghost town I forgot the name. We took drive all the way to the top and go back then we see this old mine, I guess. They seems blow it up and leave it there so my husband and brother in law along with my two kids went all the way on top to explore it. There's no trespassing sign so I guess were okay. They just want to see what's up there. Me and my mother in law stay in the car and wait for them. It takes few minutes before they get down and back to the car then we headed to Salida for lunch. It was a nice trip. It's my first time to go there and it's not bad at all. We love to explore ghost town and mining and just enjoy the ride. It's nice to do this kind of stuff with your family, it makes us getting closer together and we appreciate all God's creation and that makes our day last Monday.

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