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Sunday, May 27, 2012

convertible sofa

We still need some furniture in our extra room which is, we made it as a kids playroom. We put the small tv up there for the kids so that they can play their wii games. We have one book case, small aquarium and a kiddy chair as well. The bean bag doesn’t look good at all, I guess we need to get rid of it and buy a new c convertible sofa. Actually we have one in my son’s room, since he doesn’t sleep in his bedroom, we might take that out and put it in the play room and buy him a new queen size bed. My little girl need a toddler bed too. We have a lot of plan, we just need to save more money. Anyhow, while browsing online, I found this convertible sofa from, they have great prices on all their sofas and its free shipping on all the items. We might find the one we need here in DayBeds!

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