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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Good morning to all!

Good morning to all! happy sunday! time to wake up and get read for the day. We have meeting this afternoon and im glad because we will make it this afternoon, we missed all the meetings this week so today we dont want to miss it because they will going to give a inspirational talk to everyone. Mike dont have work so we have time to eat breakfast together, sit in the table and read newspaper while eating and have some coffee as well. It was so nice outside and hopefully it will be sunny this afternoon because i dont like it when its cloudy and raining. We sleep good last night and that was good thing and we woke up little bit late at quarter to 9:00am hehe :-) Im hoping that i can grab opps this morning even though its sunday so will see if they giving me opps for the day.

1 comment:

rojoy said...

Good for you Fe you slept till 9. hehehe me here since I have kids never happen and maybe never will 'till the kids are bigs. Who appreciate sleep.