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Monday, August 15, 2016

Goodbye to our 17 year old Pitbull - Cocao

4 days before we got back from our trip to New York, one of our dog got very sad and sick. Her name is Cocao, she is 17 years old Pitbull. My husband had her since she was a puppy and its hard to see her go. She passed away May 23, 2016. We have to put her down because she can't walk anymore and she's not eating too. Her heart was swollen and she has a tumor in her tummy. We will always remember her, she is such a good dog. Here's a memorial video that we made for her.

1 comment:


nice vid fem, i would feel the same sadness had I lost a loved one or a dog for that matter, remember me? this is lord, been a long time, isn't it? been thinking about blogging again asap...cheers ^^