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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Change a plan...

We are supposed to go out in the ministry in the morning but then my husband received a call from work. He needs to ran down to Poncha Spring and needs to turn off something, I am not sure what but he ask me if we can change the plan. So I said its fine, do what you need to do and we can just go out in the ministry some other time. Its about an hour drive to Poncha Spring and we can do shopping too at Salida while he do his work. We had lunch there and we got the things we need to get at Salida downtown. They have really nice downtown. Its small but they have nice stuff out there. They have couple consignments store that carry used branded clothing. We are looking for my son's spring jacket and a dress suits too, so far we found the dress suit jacket for less. We got a good deal with it and we seems spend almost $500 in there. We got home around 4:30pm and I still have time to make dinner! We had steak for dinner! Yummy!

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