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Friday, February 19, 2016

Anal Gland Problem with one of our English Mastiff

We just found out that one of our English Mastiff got an anal gland problem. His anal is very swolen and its bleeding. He is having hard time moving around. I bet he is in a lot of pain. My husband was very worried so we took him to the Vet couple days before he got it. He thought it was a cancer so he is kind a upset about it. We got so emotional too because we might put him down if he has a cancer. Good thing he just had an anal gland infection. The vet gave him antibiotic and he is good to go home and last Friday, we took him to the vet for his last check up and he looks a lot better! Right now, he is back to his health. The antibiotic helps a lot and I'm glad he recover fast on that bleeding and infection. Poor Thunder he is such a good dog :-)

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